How do I set up a review course at my school?

It is very easy process. Contact Sue at 919 920 1184 or Frances at 919 920 0515.

Why choose F&S?

  • Best results with lowest price
  • You will never be read to using scripted material….Experienced and expert faculty who can bring the NCLEX facts you need to know to life
  • Proven memory techniques
  • Current NCLEX plan reviewed
  • Guaranteed review
  • Designed and implemented by nurses who currently practice and teach

How do I schedule a test taking or pharmacology workshop?

It is a very easy process. Contact Sue at 919 920 1184 or Frances at 919 920 0515.

Live Reviews

We provide comprehensive content review using a book that is based on the current NCLEX test plan.

Must Know Presentation
Best Prices - Best Results

Products to Succeed

Our review materials and products are specifically designed for your success.

Course Reviews
Test Taking Worshops
Pharmacology Seminar
NCLEX RN and PN Review Books
Flash Cards

Quality Educators

All of our nursing faculty have expertise in all areas of NCLEX preparation. They all currently teach and practice in their clinical specialty areas to better prepare you for the latest changes on the NCLEX.

Get In Touch

Let us know if you have a question or need more information. Click here to contact us today.